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YOUTH CLASSICS is sponsored by the association YOUTH CLASSICS.




Honorary President
















Sounding Board

Michael Eidenbenz, former Director Department Music, Zurich University of the Arts

Dr. Valentin Gloor, Director Lucerne School of Music

Thomas Grossenbacher,  Professor at the Zurich University of the Arts and Principal cellist in the Zurich Tonhalle Orchestra

Daniel Knecht; former Head of PreCollege Music at the Zurich University of the Arts


Patronage Commitee

The following individuals are YOUTH CLASSICS patrons:

Paavo Järvi, music director of the Tonhalle orchestra Zurich

Christa Markwalder, former member of the national council FDP

Ilona Schmiel, Director of the Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich

David Zinman, ​music director of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich from 1995-2014 and today honorary conductor of this orchestra


The following companies and foundations contribute financially to YOUTH CLASSICS:


Anke, Remo und Avy Schällibaum - Stiftung (ARAS)

Carl und Elise Elsener-Gut Stiftung

Carlo und Irene Fetzer-Stiftung

Franke Stiftung

Marguerite Meister Stiftung

Minerva Kunststiftung


Stiftung Lyra

Stiftung Melinda Esterhazy de Galantha


DAX Holding

Schaffhauser Kantonalbank

Budliger Treuhand AG

Armin Hunziker AG

Emil Frey AG, Toyota Zürich

Gebr. Bachmann Tasteninstrumente AG, Wetzikon

Klostergarten Rheinau, Restaurant Mühlesaal

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

Marco Blessano, photographer

mapiart, film production

YOUTH CLASSICS would also like to thank the club members and the friends for their valuable support:


There are many ways to support YOUTH CLASSICS

The YOUTH CLASSICS association is reliant on financial support from third parties, as course fees are not sufficient to cover the costs of the Swiss International Music Academy. Every contribution is appreciated – there are  different ways to support the organisation. 

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Philip A. Draganov

President of YOUTH CLASSICS and Artistic Director / Chairman of the Music Commission

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Hermann Suren

Vice President, Finance and Cashier

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Marco Blessano

Member of the Board

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Philipp Block

Member of the Board / Fundraising


Andreas Janke

Member of the Board / Member of the Music Commission

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Dr. Andreas Weidmann

Member of the Board / Communication and Marketing / Website

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Ursula Suren

Managing Director

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Anna Draganov

Assistent to the Artistic Director


Thomas Grossenbacher

Member of the Music Commission

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Betina Bischof

Deputy Managing Director


Anna Maria Ferluga

Administration / Organizational Inquiries for Students and Lecturers / Social Media /
SIMA Timetables and Coordination

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Bernard Corazolla

Administration Projects


Remo Schällibaum

Langweidstrasse 6 
CH-8912 Obfelden / Switzerland
Tel.: +41 (0) 43 540 80 23
Mobile: + 41 (0) 76 411 68 16

Bank account: Zürcher Kantonalbank

Konto CHF / IBAN: CH31 0070 0114 8023 3338 0

Konto Euro / IBAN: CH54 0070 0130 0091 1880 2

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